Hours Required

30 biennially. Beginning with renewal periods starting after January 1, 2017, the mandated 30 PDH must be earned 15 per calendar year. Of the 15 PDH, at least one PDH must cover engineering ethics, and engineers who design buildings and/or building systems must earn 4 PDH covering Life Safety Code, building codes and/or Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines. Additionally, no more than 8 PDH can be earned in one calendar day.

Renewal Dates

March 31 and September 30 based on the year of initial licensure

Board Approval

The Board does not pre-approve specific courses. It is left to the individual registrant to determine if courses meet the Board's requirements. Note that effective November 2015, the Board no longer pre-approves course providers or sponsors.

Professional Engineers PDH package discounts

Approved Content

Courses shall have "subject matter which is technical in nature or addresses business management practices, professional ethics, quality assurance, codes or other similar topics which facilitate the registrant's professional development as a professional engineer or professional land surveyor, and/or serves to safeguard life, health, property and promote the public welfare."

For renewal cycles beginning on or after January 1, 2017 engineers must complete the mandated hours using the following guidelines:

  • 15 PDH each calendar year
  • 1 PDH must cover engineering ethics
  • 4 PDH must cover Life Safety Code, building codes and/or Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines for engineers who design buildings and/or building systems
  • No more than 8 PDH can be earned in a calendar day

Approved Activities

There is no limit on the number of hours that can be earned through online continuing education.

PDH Carryover

Effective with renewal periods beginning January 1, 2017 or later, a maximum of 7 PDH may be carried forward into the next renewal period.


  1. Beginning with renewal periods starting January 1, 2017, dual licensees (those who are both a PE and a PLS) must obtain a total of 30 PDHs during each biennial licensure renewal period; however, the PDH must be earned at a rate of 15 PDH per year with at least one-third earned separately for each profession. One PDH each year must cover ethics; one must cover standards of practice for boundary surveys; and 4 PDH covering Life Safety Code, building codes and/or Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility guidelines (professional engineer licensees who design buildings and/or building systems).
  2. PDH completion records must be maintained for a minimum of 6 years. PDHengineer helps you meet this requirement by providing you with the ability to instantly access and print a certificate upon successful completion of a course or webinar. Additionally, your certificates of completion are securely maintained by PDHengineer for a minimum of ten years and can be accessed online at any time through your login account.

Last updated on March 21, 2017

PDHengineer's credits are accepted by your state engineering board

PDHengineer Triple Guarantee

PDHengineer credits have been accepted by every U.S. state engineering board that mandates continuing education for engineers. In fact, no PDHengineer course or webinar has ever been rejected by a state licensing board. We're so confident about the acceptability of our PDH credits that every PDHengineer course and webinar comes with the PDHengineer Triple Guarantee.

If your state licensing board does not accept any PDHengineer course or webinar:

  • We will give you a full refund
  • We will pay for a replacement course or webinar
  • We will pay any associated license renewal penalties or late fees

Disclaimer: The information listed above represents a summary of the Board's requirements and is provided solely for the convenience of PDHengineer.com's users. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, Decatur Professional Development, LLC and its affiliate PDHengineer.com make no guarantee regarding the accuracy or completeness of the data listed above. It is the responsibility of each engineer to investigate the Board's rules to ensure his/her own compliance. You are strongly encouraged to contact the Board directly for a complete listing of the Board's current requirements.