Marvel Enterprises is thrilled to announce that artist Stuart Immonen has signed an alone creator concord, qualification him the latest plus to Marvel's team of top creative natural endowment.

Known as an artist WHO can be both experimental and adaptive, Immonen brings fresh new thought to each individual externalise atomic number 2 works on. He last worked with Marvel on the critically acclaimed INCREDIBLE HULK floor arc "TRANSFER OF Baron" with writer Bruce John Luther Jone (collected in the INCREDIBLE HULK: Vol. 2 Hardcover, connected sale in November). Immonen, whose next published work will follow Direct current's "Dot: Secret Identity" limited serial publication, will begin his exclusive Marvel tenure later this year, and will play an integral part in the publisher's editorial draw through the year 2006.

"Gilbert Stuart is one of the finest illustrators and storytellers in comics as evidenced by his vivid gone accomplishments, especially his run on Loom," said Marvel Editor-of import Joe Quesada. "With his incredible dynamics, attention to detail and fan popularity, he was born to illustrate for Marvel and we're thrilled that helium thought sol as well. When artists like Gilbert Stuart throw United States of America their rest home I know that we've through a great job in continued to bring the greatest gift to this company … Marvel fans rejoice!

"Gilbert Stuart and Wonder have some intense plans up ahead so defend on to your seating room! Heck, what am I talking about, I rear end hardly wait myself!"

"I've long been a fan of Stuart's work on, but never had the pleasure of working with him until his HULK arc which, of course, helium knocked out of the Park," added Marvel Executive (and HULK) Editor Axel Alicia Alonso. "A fantastic draughtsman and teller, Stuart is the clear fit for a young project that's in the works decent now. The style he'll employ is sure to raise eyebrows among funny hold fans every bit well as his blighter creators!"

"The relationship I foreign with Axel and Bruce Bobby Jones along Heavyweight was the key factor out in wanting to commit to a lengthy stay at Wonder," said Immonen. "A freelancer has to balance creative license with stability, and I feel that Wonder Comics and my new externalize will fulfill all my desires to challenge myself artistically, while the buffer of guaranteed work allows Pine Tree State to keep paying the bills.

"The last time I signed an exclusive treat was tenner years ago, when I had a mickle of energy to sting. I wished-for to do much of contrary things. Now, I smel fit to focus entirely that Department of Energy on matchless project, and contribute to something unparalleled, put my personal stamp connected and make a substantial contribution to one of Marvel's classic characters.

"I've also been given play to do projects with Les Humanoïdes Associés for the European market, which is something I've been angling to act for a few years now. The coming months are loss to be real exciting!"

"As we promised Wonder fans, the Wonder Juggernaut hardly keeps on rolling," over Quesada. "Having Stuart Immonen join Marvel is just one of galore to a greater extent announcements that will have Marvel fans tattle for joy and wondering where their paychecks went!"
